Thursday 4 December 2014

Dare to share, Dare to ask

Here is a brief Summary of My Assignment at the prestigious Hivos learning community where bright minds are exchanging ideas of how to save our society from different perspectives. 
Here are some questions am to answer about my Go-Green Initiatives.

1. For which problem is your initiative a solution? What does it aspire to achieve?

·         High unemployment rate among Nigerian Youth is leading them into various crimes and social vices which are increasing at an alarming rate.
·         Also increasing educational fees and needs are becoming challenging and students are dropping out of school, being involved in odd jobs or in social vices to meet these challenges

·         The housing system in the larger rural part of Nigeria gives room for adjoining lands to each building. These adjoining lands are usually abandoned and consequentially turn into refuse/sewage dumps where harmful animals and insects are bred (think Malaria! Think Cholera! Etc.). Waste dumps are set ablaze around homes without proper incinerator system, thereby leading to different kinds of pollution and hazardous health challenges. 
Go-Green aspire to a create a mentality shift among undergraduates in tertiary institutions in Nigeria and students of secondary school by inspiring a legacy of collective responsibility towards environmental protection.

Go-Green intends to empower undergraduates by making them self-sufficient and engaged through agriculture  and creating legacies; home nursery farming and gardening which are not known cultures to Nigeria.

Most Importantly, Go-Green aims to solve timeless problems timelessly

2. What is the core of your idea? What makes it stand out, special?

ANSWER: The core of Go-Green is solving problems through advocating and engaging undergraduates/youths for a greener society.

Go-green is special because it's more about creating legacies and advocating a shift of mindset towards a safer, wealthy and greener society

3. Who could benefit from your initiative? Do you know your target audience? Will your initiative connect to their needs?

ANSWER: Youths will benefit more from Go-Green, with more focus to undergraduates and Students. The beneficiaries of this initiative are major focus and target of government institutions, agencies, NGO , International organization and agencies, Go-Green shall be helping them achieve their missions and visions via several collaborative projects which are in line with our goals and objectives.

Go-Green is created to meet their needs, if it doesn't then the purpose of its creation is defeated.

To get more on what people think about Go-Green Initiative, there will be a Q & A session on twitter via @gogreengn by 3:30 CAT with #gogreengn #hivos . Join in the discussion and conversation.

Now tell me. Would You Like to Be A Go-Greener ? 


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